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Sunday, January 10, 2010

.: I gave it 2 stars only! :.

my weekend 2day, dihabiskan half day kt umah n half day lagi tgk movie.. dr tgh hari aku ngan lil sis cuba utk booking tiket 4 Avatar.. sbb in previous entry i did mention bout wanna watch Avatar and Chipmunks..but ended with different movie.. *sigh*

since last nite dh ckp kt my bro ngan SIL nk tgk movie..since diorg smpi lewat so aku xde la proceed wif booking thingy ni..hold dulu. hati ku mmg nk sgt tgk Avatar ni..x dpt Avatar, Chipmunks pon ok la..hihihihi! childish btol.. heeeee~

since tgh hr discuss2 nk tgk cite ape..haih..nk tgk Avatar punyer la byk problem..reservation problem!! nyampah aku! huh! nk walk in takut plak tiket xde..huhuhu..slps byk kali try x thru jugak..aku give up! x dpt Avatar aku nk switch to my bro,SIL ngan lil sis x bg respond yg baik je..huhuhu..nmpk nyer mmg aku je la yg excited nk tgk Chipmunks ni...sedey btol.... =( bro ckp kite tgk Ju-On aje lah.. Halamak! ni yg aku x gemar nih..aku x suke tgk horror movie ni dlm cinema.. ye la, kalau kuar image antu, gedabak tu..huuuuuu..seraaaaammmmm.. tp sbb nk tgk movie gak, aku stuju la.. tawakal ajelah..nk sdp kn ati, aku ckp xpelah..siang lg.. so, kol TGV booking la 4 tiket utk Ju-On.. 430pm start..

Smpi2 je di The Mines, dh collect tiket, bli munchies...tggu la nk msuk.. wah..ramai gak org nk tgk cite Ju-On nih.. bile dh msuk, full la jugak.. tggu la..smpi cite start.. tp aku x rase seram cite antu lawak la rase sbb org siap bleh gelak2 lg! hahahaha!! lawak tol la.. x sangka la cite ni x brp nk seram compare dgn yg 1st aku yg ni..besa2 je..x besh lah! so out of 5 aku bg 2 stars only.. ngeeee~~

but i enjoyed my day out wif my bro, SIL n lil sis walaupon x smpt nk jln2 lama2.. yea! yea! even its just a short 1 but it was FUN! =)

~~~ huhuhu...tgk poster pon serammmmm... ~~~

here's the sinopsis :
JU-ON: WHITE GHOST - In a certain house, a son who failed the bar examination kills five members of his family one by one. He then dies by hanging himself. At the moment of his death, he made a cassette tape recording in which he can be heard saying "I'll go. I'll go soon..." On the same tape can be heard the eerie sound of a young girl's voice. The entire family is slaughtered. A former friend, Mirai, is murdered, her throat slit. In the midst of her despair, a young girl, Akane (Akina Minami), sees.

JU-ON: BLACK GHOST - Nurse Yuko (Ai Kago) is left in charge of a young girl named Fukie, and begins to experience strange things. Medical examination reveals that there is a 'cyst' in Fukie's body. The hatred of the unborn one is feeding off of the young girl and curses the people around her. This is the grudge of someone that could not be born. Filled with an unimaginable 'hatred', people are killed one after the other with a curse.

daaa 4 now... (",)

p/s : nk tgk AJL.. besh2 lagu mlm ni..jom layannnn... wink!

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